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1995 Dodge Neon Base 4dr Sedan

1995 Dodge Neon
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July 14, 2010, 11:42 am

Mackenzie B

Question: Shaking while AC on (when idle)

If I turn on the AC, there is shaking while idle. I noticed slight rough idle when it's off occasionally though, but mostly immediately when I turn the AC on. Coolent level is ok.

May 24, 2015, 2:14 pm

Michael M

Check Idle Air Control Solenoid "worn out" r&r about $100.00 should solve problem.

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February 26, 2016, 9:05 am

Josh M

"Shivering" is normal for a older 4 cylinder vehicle when the AC is on. The engine only has so much power at idle, and when the AC is engaged, it uses the belts to turn the AC pump, which does require some good power to do so. If you're really feeling it that bad, check 2 things: 1, your engine , transmission, and torque mounts. They die out, and when they do, it causes more vibration than normal to be felt by the driver. The other thing you'll check is your AC pump. Visually inspect the belt, the pulley attached to your AC pump, and your AC pump itself. If they look clean and new, you're good. If they show signs of rust, black gunk, or dents, you may have some service needed on that pump.

I know this is old, but I'm answering for everyone else too.

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